Re: Writing an Android application with Clojure

2017-09-02 Thread Didier
Well, in the last 2 years I think React Native has grown quite a bit. I think if you target Android only, and you need performance, like a game, going with Java/C is best, or just Unity. But ClojureScript with ReactNative is great for iOS + Android compatibility for more normal apps. I don't t

Re: SRSLY? (= (true? identity) (false? identity)) => true

2017-09-02 Thread James Reeves
On 2 September 2017 at 05:06, Rostislav Svoboda wrote: > > identity isn't a boolean, so neither true? nor false? should return true > for it > > But then why it should return 'false'? Because you're asking, "Is identity the boolean value true?", and Clojure is telling you, "False, it's a functi

Re: SRSLY? (= (true? identity) (false? identity)) => true

2017-09-02 Thread Colin Yates
A more revealing name for 'true?' and 'false?' would be 'boolean-which-equals-true?' and 'boolean-which-equals-false?'. Since the 'identity' function isn't a boolean both functions return 'false', and '(= false false)' is 'true'. '(true? (true? identity) (false? identity))' would return, you guess

Re: Writing an Android application with Clojure

2017-09-02 Thread Cecil Westerhof
2017-08-31 14:46 GMT+02:00 Luke Gessler : > Check out cljsrn . > ​Thanks, but from I understood it is better to go native.​ > On Thursday, August 31, 2017 at 5:45:08 AM UTC-5, Cecil Westerhof wrote: >> >> It has been a while that

Re: [ANN] Clojure 1.9.0-alpha19

2017-09-02 Thread Rostislav Svoboda
Next time I'll send you the Contributor Agreement and a pull request just to get to the list of contributors :) 2017-09-02 5:45 GMT+02:00 Alex Miller : > Due to the new dependence on external jars, these instructions will be > different in Clojure 1.9. We will be providing additional tooling to m

Re: SRSLY? (= (true? identity) (false? identity)) => true

2017-09-02 Thread Rostislav Svoboda
Aaaah! :) My math books say booleans can't be true and false in the same time. I made a mistake assuming that the identity function just because it exists somewhere as an object in the memory is of a boolean type and as such it's boolean value is true. Well, everybody here - thank you! Just for th