
I just wanted to share the following piece from The Joy of 
*Chapter 3, page 45*, since I found it interesting and it might be valuable 
to the thread:

*Nil pun with care*
*Because empty collections act like true in Boolean contexts, we need an 
idiom for*
*testing whether there’s anything in a collection to process. Thankfully, 
Clojure pro­*
*vides just such a technique:*
*(seq [1 2 3])*
*;=> (1 2 3)*
*(seq [])*
*;=> nil*
*The seq function returns a sequence view of a collection, or nil if the 
collection is*
*empty. In a language like Common Lisp, an empty list acts as a false value 
and can be*
*used as a pun (a term with the same behavior) for such in determining a 
looping ter­*
*mination. As you saw in section 2.3, Clojure’s empty sequences are instead 
truthy, and*
*therefore to use one as a pun for falsity will lead to heartache and 
despair. One solu­*
*tion that might come to mind is to use empty? in the test, leading to the 
*phrase (when-not (empty? s) ...). Though it would work, this isn’t 
idiomatic. A*
*better solution would be to use seq as a termination condition, as in the 
*function print-seq:*
*(defn print-seq [s]*
*  (when (seq s)*
*    (prn (first s))*
*(recur (rest s))))*
*(print-seq [1 2])*
*; 1*
*; 2*
*;=> nil*
*(print-seq [])*
*;=> nil*
*There are a number of points to take away from this example. First, the 
use of seq as a*
*terminating condition is the idiomatic way to test whether a sequence is 
empty. If we*
*tested just s instead of (seq s), then the terminating condition wouldn’t 
occur even*
*for empty collections, leading to an infinite loop.*



On Tuesday, May 14, 2013 7:26:20 AM UTC+3, Mike Thvedt wrote:
> In regards to the allocation objection--how often are you calling seq 
> millions of times on something that's not already a seq? In re using count 
> instead of seq, a lazy seq's count might be arbitrarily expensive to 
> calculate and might not be able to tell if it's empty without realizing its 
> head.
> On Monday, May 13, 2013 4:21:54 AM UTC-5, Meikel Brandmeyer (kotarak) 
> wrote:
>> 2013/5/13 Mike Thvedt <cynic...@gmail.com>
>>> A good implementation of ISeq won't return a new object, and new 
>>> short-lived objects are cheap on the JVM anyway. OTOH count can be slow for 
>>> some data structures. if you don't like instantiating lots of new objects 
>>> only to throw them away, you're missing out on one of HotSpot's most 
>>> significant performance/convenience sweet spots, so it's strange you call 
>>> that premature optimization.
>>> There is however an optimization story against seq: Hotspot (at least on 
>>> my machine) refuses to inline the call to seq by default (it might still 
>>> inline if the stars are right or something, the JVM is mysterious). My 
>>> guess is it's because the code in seq and seqFrom is too big, on my box it 
>>> exceeds the inline threshold by one byte...
>> I'm not sure what you mean. For an ISeq seq won't return a new object. 
>>  But for everything else it will. And count is cheap (a simple field 
>> access) for clojure data structures (a seq is not a data structure). While 
>> initialising an immediately-to-be-thrown-away object might be (relatively) 
>> expensive even when allocation is cheap.
>> I called my point of view "premature optimisation" because it's probably 
>> like you said: allocation is cheap and initialisation usually not worth 
>> worrying about. So worrying about it is "premature optimisation".
>> I still feel empty? to be too ugly in its current implementation. (And to 
>> be honest: I almost never needed it, up to now...)
>> Meikel

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