First, I have to say thanks.  I'm only a part-time Clojure user, and I
didn't know of the -> macro until today.  Second, I think the ->
syntax leads to more readable code for precisely those situations
where you're coding a sequence of actions.  Finally, I've got a
comment about what I think might be a useful addition to Clojure.

In my day job, I've been using F#.  F# has a |> operator which relies
on automatic currying to do what, at first blush, I though the ->
macro did.  In other words, if you've got, for example,  a list of
data in F#, you can do something like:

    listOfNum |> (map someFn) |>  (filter anotherFn) |> max   ;; note
the brackets aren't necessary
I  added them for readability

which is functionally equivalent to:

    max ( filter anotherFn (map someFn listOfNum)))

I quickly learned the -> macro can't be used in the same way for one
simple reason; the value that is threaded through to the forms is
always placed in the first argument position.  How about adding a
macro -- it could be called |> just as in F# -- that places the value
in the last argument position?  (It's dead simple to write -- I just
copied and modified the -> macro.)

With the new macro it would be possible to write code like:

    ( |> list-of-num
        ( map some-fn )
        ( filter another-fn )
        ( max ))

instead of:

    (max (filter another-fn (map some-fn list-of-num)))

IMHO, the |> macro, just like the -> macro, makes the sequence of the
actions much easier to follow.


On Feb 27, 1:39 pm, "John D. Hume" <> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 4:11 PM, Jason Wolfe <> wrote:
> > (you'll get use to reading inside-out quickly).
> As a Java/Ruby guy who is not used to reading inside out, I'm curious
> as to whether people who ARE accustomed to LISP find the -> macro
> distracting since it flops things around. Are there circumstances
> where you prefer it?
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