Stuart, Leon,
Thank you for the follow ups. I ended up doing as Leon described and
creating several subsystems for each remote connection and injecting the
required dependencies from the top-level system. I have a component that
manages creating the subsystems and dealing with stopping them wit
I'm building a system which handles data synchronization with remote
services. The credentials and configuration parameters for the remote
services are stored in the database. I'd like to be able to build a
component which is constructed from the information from the database and
uses comp
used in the
> latest released version. That's actually been updated for the next release
> and does not seem reproducible to me there.
> On Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 6:04:19 PM UTC-5, Chap Lovejoy wrote:
>> I'm running into a strange exception trying to
I'm running into a strange exception trying to handle exceptions within a
go block. So far this is the simplest test case I've gotten to fail:
(ns test-async
(require [clojure.core.async :refer [go >!]
:as async]))
(defn test-chan
(>! chan)