This is great. I'm amazed at how easy you're projects have made it to
create web interfaces.
One note for anybody else trying to go along with this -- skip the
piano portions. It seems we've knocked out the site where Overtone
grabs the samples. Now every time I do lein run overtone tries and
> Haskell has a parser library named for a distance of approximately
> three centimetres? :)
Not that it's pertinent, but a parsec is 31 trillion kilometers. Did
you massively misplace a decimal? :)
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Groups "Clojure" group.
On Sep 2, 4:48 pm, ax2groin wrote:
> That's what I get for posting a question while feeding a 1-year-old
> child and getting ready to leave for lunch.
> I was trying to put together a (for) construct to output the
> combinations of a set, and my logic was flawed.
> Here's what I really wanted
"java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: nth not supported on this
type: PersistentHashSet". So, the fact that it works at all in
Clojurescript seems to be a bug as well.
On Aug 15, 1:13 am, "Meikel Brandmeyer (kotarak)"
> Hi,
> Am Sonntag, 14. August 2011 1
In Clojurescript, calling rand-nth on an empty Set results in an
"Index out of bounds" exception, whereas calling it on an empty Vector
results in nil.
ClojureScript:cljs.user> (rand-nth (set []))
"Error evaluating:" (cljs.core.prn (rand-nth (set []))) :as
I like to use zip and zip-filter with xml files. For example (suppose is aliased as zip and is
aliased as zf):
(def bo-zip (zip/xml-zip (xml/parse "
Then I can use zip-filters to get the info I