Re: binding and core.async? (trying to use shoreleave-remote in go block)

2013-09-05 Thread Jacek Lach
That is not what happens in lein repl: user=> (use 'clojure.core.async) nil user=> (def pingc (chan)) #'user/pingc user=> (def ^:dynamic *text* "OUPS BAD ASYNC") #'user/*text* user=> (binding [*text* "good boy"] #_=> (go (while true #_=> ( (println *text* # user=> (defn p

[ANN] Cloverage - clojure code coverage

2013-01-26 Thread Jacek Lach
Cloverage 1.0.2 together with a leiningen plugin (lein-cloverage) were recently released. You can find the code at To try it out, add `[lein-cloverage "1.0.2"]` to your leiningen plugins list, and run `lein cloverage` in your project. Best Regards -- -- Y