I don't really care where good ideas come from. Feel free to expand your
2012年12月14日金曜日 6時58分54秒 UTC+9 raould:
> > the design of Apache CouchDB's Multi-Version Concurrency Model.
> because haskell got it from apache, i'm sure ;-)
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@Paul Butcher
I would argue that Clojure's STM implementation is very similar or based on
the design of Apache CouchDB's Multi-Version Concurrency Model.
1. Immutable by default.
2. You can't corrupt a completed transaction.
3. Conflict resolution essentially gives the previous revision before t
Try installing nrepl-ritz. Once installed do M-x clojure-mode, then do C-c
C-z to enable the REPL-y .
Swank has been deprecated by nrepl =>
[ Ryan Kelker ]
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