Re: Why is this code causing StackOverflowError?

2010-01-27 Thread
ers, Nuno 2010/1/27 Meikel Brandmeyer > Hi, > > On Jan 26, 5:38 pm, "" > wrote: > > > You can use the sieve of Eratosthenes... > > This actually is the sieve of Eratosthenes. If one really wants to go > out of one's way, one can inves

Re: Why is this code causing StackOverflowError?

2010-01-26 Thread
You can use the sieve of Eratosthenes... 2010/1/26 Nebojsa Stricevic > Thanks a lot for help. I have much better understanding of laziness > now! But I guess I'll need to do some more math research, because both > algorithms provided here (my + removed laziness and the one from > Meikel) are too

Re: Clojure Conference Poll

2010-01-22 Thread
Where is it going to be held? 2010/1/22 dysinger > We will be organizing a conference in the next month for 2010 > (probably in the fall). One question I would like to ask is, given > the conference is probably going to be a 2-day conference, would you > rather have it during the week or weeken

Re: Article in German Linux Magazin

2009-12-02 Thread
Is there a translation? Google translator is not so good and I only know basic German... 2009/12/2 Stefan Kamphausen > Hi, > > having received the blessings of #clojure (kind of) I'll be bold > enough to post a link to an article on Clojure that was published > today. > > http://www.linux-magaz