1.2 error message improvement suggestion (missing line #s for some defrecord errors)

2010-07-30 Thread Jason Wolfe
I'm converting my ~30Kloc project to 1.2 RC1 from a months-old snapshot, and so far it's been smooth sailing. One thing I've noticed, however, is that defrecord parse error exceptions seem to be missing line numbers. The example I ran into was user (defrecord foo [bar] :as this ) ; Evaluation

Re: 1.2 error message improvement suggestion (missing line #s for some defrecord errors)

2010-07-30 Thread Jason Wolfe
I guess the line numbers aren't missing, just ... behaving weirdly. If I make a file test.clj with just one line: (defrecord foo [bar] :as this) and start up a fresh, bare REPL: user= (use 'test) java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported option(s) - :as (test.clj:1) user= (use 'test)