I was consistently experiencing this issue, and upgrading to leiningen
2.2.0 fixed it for me. The root issue was in nrepl:
It was fixed in nrepl-0.2.3, which got into leiningen-2.2.0 via reply-0.2.0.
On Tuesday, 26 February 2013 07:55:01 UTC-5, David
Feel free to open a ticket in JIRA. More details would be helpful and a
patch would be nice. Thanks!
On Monday, February 25, 2013, Bobby Wang wrote:
> Update: this seems to only happen if I start the CLJS REPL inside a CLJ
> REPL. If I start straight from the command line (ie. lein trampoline
> c
Update: this seems to only happen if I start the CLJS REPL inside a CLJ
REPL. If I start straight from the command line (ie. lein trampoline
cljsbuild repl-listen) it's fine.
On Monday, 25 February 2013 19:22:06 UTC-5, Bobby Wang wrote:
> Hi,
> Sometimes when I start the CLJS browser REPL an
Sometimes when I start the CLJS browser REPL and evaluate something like
js/alert, the alert runs fine, but after a few seconds it goes into an
infinite loop while repeatedly printing "*ClojureScript:cljs.user>
java.io.IOException: Write end dead*".
The same thing happens on ClojureScript