Thanks for the feedback Andy. I had a console-only emacs installed but I've
reinstalled and confirmed one with X works. I was expecting a console
editor to work as well as it does in ruby e.g. system("emacs -nw") but I'm
guessing there's a limitation for java. Calling X emacs works for my use
I was able to open an X windows emacs session using:
(require '[ :as sh])
(sh/sh "emacs")
on my system. The REPL did not give another prompt until I quit that emacs
invocation. I was able to get another REPL prompt immediately using this:
(future (sh/sh "emacs"))
Is there a straightforward way to invoke an editor within clojure e.g.
( "emacs" some-file)?
I've taken a look at popular shell libraries like conch and stevedore but
found nothing helpful.
If you're curious why I want to do it, it's to open a lein dependency in
emacs f