This Q came up on the Leiningen list but I wanted to share my answer
on the larger Clojure group to get feedback from a bigger pool...

On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 8:40 PM, Shantanu Kumar <> wrote:
> There are some resource files (e.g. I need to
> include in code so that they are on the classpath. However, they need
> to vary during dev/testing and production -- I will have different
> versions of during dev/testing and production. I
> want to know what is the recommended way to include/specify them so
> that they are on the classpath based on he profile (dev, testing,
> production, staging etc.) I am referring to.

FWIW, I've just implemented a system for this which uses a map of maps
for configuration and the server's hostname to pick an entry from the
environment settings. This is pretty much how I implement it on every
project I build (in other languages).

The default is 'development'. The settings are dynamically switched at
application startup based on the hostname. This allows a single
codebase to be used on every server and means I don't have to worry
about property files or some such. If you still want per-machine
deployment files, you can of course have the environments.clj file
dropped in on each machine (equivalent to your

I can provide more detail if you'd like but I'll need to do some
serious editing since it's fairly specific to our servers /
infrastructure :)

Here's a taste of the environments.clj file:

(def project-environments
   { :name "development-charlie" :hostnames [ "charlieg" ] :settings
     { :email ""
       :dbPassword "mysecret" }}
   { :name "development-sean" :hostnames [ "Sean-Corfields"
"scorfield" ] :settings
     { :email ""
       :dbPassword "special" }}
   ... ])

We have an additional wrinkle in that some servers have multiple
environments on them in different webroots so our matching code is a
little more complex than it would otherwise be based on just the
hostname. Here's a taste of the matching code:

(defn match-any-host [h n w wp]
 (and (match-web-root w wp)
   (if (empty? n)
     (some #(match-a-host h %) n))))

(defn find-host [s h w]
 (let [m (first (filter #(match-any-host h (% :hostnames) w (% :webroot)) s))]
   (if m
     (do (println (str "Environment " (m :name) " selected."))
     (do (println "Environment development defaulted")
       {:name "development" :settings {}}))))

(defn settings [d h]
 (merge d (h :settings)))

(def my-host (find-host worldsingles-environments (hostname) (webroot)))

(def my-settings
 (settings worldsingles-config my-host))

Hope that's useful...
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
Railo Technologies, Inc. --
An Architect's View --

"If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
-- Margaret Atwood

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