Perfect! And Thanks!
On Jun 22, 7:00 pm, Michał Marczyk wrote:
> Firstly, consider using Delays rather than IFn. See (doc delay) and
> (doc delay?). In Clojure, many sorts of things are IFns, including
> (among others) sets, vectors and maps, and you probably don't want to
> call those.
> (d
Firstly, consider using Delays rather than IFn. See (doc delay) and
(doc delay?). In Clojure, many sorts of things are IFns, including
(among others) sets, vectors and maps, and you probably don't want to
call those.
(def uhoh* (ref {:event {:date (delay (java.util.Date.)) :name "EOW"}}))
(def why
>user=>(def current* (merge (uhoh* :event)(why* :event)))
> here's my problem:
>user=> current*
>{:stuff "ELI", :date #user$fn__2...@4fa3551c>, :name "EOW"}
> I was hoping this kind of a call would yield:
> {:stuff "ELI", :date "Tue 22 Jun 2010 17:
Hello Folks,
I'm a noob to both programming (1 year part-time) and to Clojure (1
I am unclear on how I can call an Ifn stored in a map usefully
and I am hoping you can help me.
I have stored data in a few maps (both functions and data):
user=> (def uhoh* (ref {:even