Agreed if your img processing use case is minor, prob not worth it.
If there's a lot of member submitted content for example and speed/smaller
file sizes are important, there's value in graphicmagick. Its a simple 1
line command install and thereafter I've never touched it except via code
to pr
The main disadvantage with this, of course, being requiring
imagemagick on the command line.
On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 2:51 PM, The Dude (Abides) wrote:
> Yes via im4clj -
> [im4clj "0.0.1"]
> The developer recommends shell scripting with Conch with standard co
Yes via im4clj -
[im4clj "0.0.1"]
The developer recommends shell scripting with Conch with standard command
line syntax, however im4clj works perfectly fine for 2 core needs for photo
gallery apps:
1. resize with proportions, and
2. crop thumbnails from cente
elegant syntax, I've been using it in ruby and
> coldfusion for years. One other thing is it bypasses java, does the buffering
> internally.
> If you have an image processing use case, hope that's helpful for anyone
> going so far as a cdn to scale static assets
So I've opted for graphicmagick as it processes faster, same quality, much
smaller static files and v elegant syntax, I've been using it in ruby and
coldfusion for years. One other thing is it bypasses java, does the buffering
If you have an image processing use