I may be missing some philosophical significance of the name
function, but is there any reason why it can't work on Strings as
well as Named-s?

user=> (name :foo)
user=> (name "foo")

This would clean up conditionals I have scattered about where I
normalize heterogeneous collections of keywords and strings.

(reduce #(let [m %1
               [k v] %2]
           (conj m [(if (keyword? k)
                      (name k)
                      k) v]))
        {} {:foo :bar "baz" :quux})

(reduce #(let [m %1
               [k v] %2]
           (conj m [(name k) v]))
        {} {:foo :bar "baz" :quux})

=> {"foo" :bar, "baz" :quux}

The attached patch does this with a couple of multimethods.


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diff --git a/src/clj/clojure/boot.clj b/src/clj/clojure/boot.clj
index 4f51ace..1202584 100644
--- a/src/clj/clojure/boot.clj
+++ b/src/clj/clojure/boot.clj
@@ -922,11 +922,6 @@
   [#^clojure.lang.Reversible rev]
     (. rev (rseq)))
-(defn name
-  "Returns the name String of a symbol or keyword."
-  [#^clojure.lang.Named x]
-    (. x (getName)))
 (defn namespace
   "Returns the namespace String of a symbol or keyword, or nil if not present."
   [#^clojure.lang.Named x]
@@ -3029,6 +3024,14 @@
   [fmt & args]
   (print (apply format fmt args)))
+(defmulti name (fn [x] (. x (getClass))))
+(defmethod name clojure.lang.Named [x]
+  (. x (getName)))
+(defmethod name java.lang.String [x]
+  x)
 (defmacro ns
   "Sets *ns* to the namespace named by name (unevaluated), creating it
   if needed.  references can be zero or more of: (:refer-clojure ...)

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