We got started by staring at:
Although familiarity with the suboptimal jsr223 spec helped.
(Unlike a server socket, this approach means that you can share parts of
your host directly with the Clojure environment by binding var's. I find
this either is, or at s
On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 2:29 PM, DomS wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm trying to integrate an REPL in a existing java project, but i dont
> know how it works or where to start.
> At first it should only have the functionality from an ordinary clj
> repl. Later we want to extend it with some function
You can create-repl-server:
and access the server remotely from telnet.
On Oct 1, 9:29 pm, DomS wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm trying to integrate an REPL in a existing java project, but i dont
> know how it works or where to star
Hello all,
I'm trying to integrate an REPL in a existing java project, but i dont
know how it works or where to start.
At first it should only have the functionality from an ordinary clj
repl. Later we want to extend it with some functions and macros, to
control our software via "console".