Remote function calls / simple distributed computation

2014-05-25 Thread David James
What are the ways to do remote function calls with Clojure? Here is a *low-level list* I have so far: * Java Remote Method Invocation API: * nREPL: There are *higher-level tools*, too, such

Re: Remote function calls / simple distributed computation

2014-05-25 Thread Atamert Ölçgen
I realize it's not exactly what you are looking for, but perhaps a pmap-like implementation can easily be built using a distributed message queue. The tricky part would be to ensure the functions to be distributed can be safely serialized/deserialized. (Not doing I/O or using other shared resource

Re: Remote function calls / simple distributed computation

2014-05-27 Thread Gary Johnson
Check out Tim Baldridge's Hermod library: It's a very lightweight system that lets you create mailboxes (which listen on ports) on each of your independent JVMs. Then you can pass messages between them using core.async. This should give you most