Cant thank you enough.
On Sunday, January 26, 2014 10:21:18 PM UTC-6, wrote:
> ANyone have some examples reading a blob column from an oracle db.
> We have a database with a blob column.
> A entity can be split acroos multiple rows.
> If there are mul
(jdbc/query db ["select blob_contents from ce_blob where event_id in
(?,?,?) " [10024279,10024280,10024281]]
:row-fn (fn [r]
(some-> r
here is where I have gotten:
query seems to be getting the blob
I am at a loss on how to get to the blob to say write it to a file, or
ultimately construct a blob of multiple blobs
AS usual any help is greatly appreciated
(jdbc/query db["select blob_contents from ce_blob where event_id
Well even a blind hog finds an acorn once and a while.
I am getting the blob, but need to do some additional processing on it, say
write to a file.
please help the hog find another acorn
Thanks so much for the help
On Sunday, January 26, 2014 10:21:18 PM UTC-6, wrote:
I am getting a "unable to resolve symbol : some-> r in this context
On Sunday, January 26, 2014 10:21:18 PM UTC-6, wrote:
> ANyone have some examples reading a blob column from an oracle db.
> We have a database with a blob column.
> A entity can be split acroos multiple row
I am new to clojure could you point me in a direction for
making it a reader
i assume that the row-fn is getting earch row and each is being processed
by the fn[r]
is the fieldidentifier the field that the blob_contents column is being put
into ?
Thanks and i apologize
I would expect that you can extend one of the protocols to do this more easily?
On Jan 27, 2014, at 12:08 AM, Niels van Klaveren
> For reading a single blob you need to ge
Oops, above example is for a clob, change .getCharacterStream to
.getBinaryStream for a true blob.
On Monday, January 27, 2014 9:08:30 AM UTC+1, Niels van Klaveren wrote:
> For reading a single blob you need to get the field's characterstream,
> make it a reader and then process it further.
For reading a single blob you need to get the field's characterstream, make
it a reader and then process it further.
(jdbc/query c ["select field from table" parameters]
:row-fn (fn [r] (some-> r
ANyone have some examples reading a blob column from an oracle db.
We have a database with a blob column.
A entity can be split acroos multiple rows.
If there are multiple rows we need to read anc concatenate the rows into a
single buffer
There may be multiple rows that we need to read to concatn
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