Re: [ClojureScript] Importing react components from clojurescript

2018-08-20 Thread Dusan Miloradovic
I think the easiest way to do it is using the shadow-cljs. Here is the example: On Mon, Aug 20, 2018 at 6:43 PM Quentin Le Guennec <> wrote: > It doesn't quite answer everything. I would like a full

[ClojureScript] npm-deps and nodejs repl

2017-10-29 Thread Dusan Miloradovic
When I try to run the clojurescript node repl for a leiningen project with npm-deps, I get the following error: lein trampoline run -m clojure.main repl.clj ClojureScript Node.js REPL server listening on 55620 To quit, type: :cljs/quit cljs.user=> cljs.user=> (require 'mpgui.core)

Re: [ClojureScript] trying to upgrade to 0.0-3308 - advanced compilation fails for goog.base

2015-06-06 Thread Dusan Miloradovic
Sorry, I thought it was the well known issue. Here is the simplified macro: (defmacro custom-this [] (list 'js* this) ) (defmacro test-comp [tsym tfields bsym impls] `(defn ~tsym [~@tfields] ~@(map (fn[c] `(this-as this# (aset this# ~(str c)

[ClojureScript] trying to upgrade to 0.0-3308 - advanced compilation fails for goog.base

2015-06-04 Thread Dusan Miloradovic
I am trying to upgrade my project to 0.0-3308. I use goog.base when extending the closure ui components. Previously (in version 0.0-2311) I used macro js-this defined as (list 'js* this) to avoid the advanced compilation error First argument must be this, but now this is not working anymore.