Hello again,

I added basic live reloading of js (ala lein-fighwheel) to the default 
"build-dev" configuration of shadow-build. I updated the example project to 
include this feature.


The configuration options for :live-reload are:

{:before-load 'demo.app/stop
 :after-load 'demo.app/start
 :host "localhost"
 :port 8888}

:host will default to localhost and a random port will be used if none is 
specified. Most local dev setups should work if you leave these out.

:before-load should point to a function in your code that will be called before 
any files are reloaded.
:after-load will be called once the changed files finished loading.

No CLJS code changes are required to activate reloading, but the same rules to 
writing reloadable code 
(https://github.com/bhauman/lein-figwheel#writing-reloadable-code) still apply.

lein-figwheel does a little more (eg. css reloading) which I might add later.


PS: https://github.com/thheller/shadow-build 

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