This is a simple node.js based program using core.async.  The question is: Why 
does the program terminate, although there is this "while true" loop inside the 
go macro in main ?

(ns node-hello-world.core
   (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]])
   (:require [cljs.core.async :as async
              :refer [>! <! put! chan alts!]]
              [cljs.nodejs :as node]
              [ :as events]
              [goog.dom.classes :as classes])
   (:import [ EventType]))

(def http
  (node/require "http"))


(def all-results (atom []))

(def ch (chan))

(defn callback [response index]
  (let [result (atom "")]
    (.setEncoding response "utf8")
    (.on response "data" (fn [data] (swap! result str data)))
    (.on response "end" (fn [] (put! ch {:index index :result (count 

(defn load-single [payload]
  (.get http (:url payload)
        (fn [response] (callback response (:index payload)))))

(defn load [urls]
  (let [payload (map-indexed (fn [idx url] {:index idx :url url}) urls)]
    (loop [p payload]
      (when (seq p)
          (load-single (first p))
          (recur (rest p)))))))

(defn display [all]
  (println (sort #(< (:index %1) (:index %2)) all)))

(defn -main [& args]
  (go (while true
        (let [result (<! ch)]
          (swap! all-results conj result)
          (if (= (count @all-results) (count args))
            (display @all-results)
  (load args))

(set! *main-cli-fn* -main)

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