I've got a tool which parses sockpuppet investigation (SPI) pages and does some 
analysis.  One of the steps is I need to validate that all of the usernames 
found in the SPI report are valid.  I do that by sequentially calling 
usercontribs on each name with uclimit=1 and seeing if I get a baduser error.

This works, but it's slow because I need to make 1 API call for each user.  For 
a big SPI case, the time to do this swamps everything else.  Is there a more 
efficient way to do this?  Some API call where I can give it a bunch of 
usernames in a batch and have it tell me which ones are invalid?  
Alternatively, is there a regex I could apply on the client side to test if a 
username is valid?

The most common type of invalid name I see is when somebody puts down an 
iprange (i.e. as a username.  Testing for that client-side would be 
trivial, but it might miss some others.
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