There will be two major Toolforge outages this coming week. Each outage will cause tool downtime and may require manual restarts afterwards.

The first outage is an NFS migration [0] and will take place on Monday, beginning at around 0:00 UTC and lasting well into the day, possibly as late as 19:00 UTC. During this long period, Toolforge NFS will be read-only. This will cause most tools (for example, anything that writes a log file) to fail.

The second outage will be a database migration [1] and will take place on Thursday at 17:00UTC. During this window ToolsDBwill be read-only. This migration should take about an hour but unexpected side-effects may extend the downtime.

We try very hard to avoid outages of this magnitude, but at this point we need to choose downtime over the increasing risk of data loss.

More details can be found below.

[0] NFS Outage and system reboots Monday: The existing toolforge NFS server is running on aging hardware and lacks a straightforward path for maintenance or upgrading. To improve this we are moving NFS to a cinder+VM platform which should support easier upgrades, migrations, and expansions in the future. In order to maintain data integrity during the migration, the old server will need to be made read-only while the last set of file changes is synchronized with the new server. Because the NFS service is actively used, it will take many hours to complete the final sync.

To ensure stable mounts of the new server, every node in Toolforge will be rebooted as part of this migration. That means that even tools which do not use NFS will be affected, although most tools should restart gracefully.

This task is documented as

[1] DB outage Thursday: As part of the ongoing effortto upgrade user-created Toolforge databases, we willmigrate ToolsDB to a new VM that will have a more recent version of Debian and MariaDB and will use a more resilient storage solution.

The new VM is ready, and we plan to point all tools to use it on *Apr, 6 2023 at 17:00 UTC*.

This will involve about *1 hour of read-only time*for the database. Any existing database connection will be terminated, and if your tool does not reconnect automatically you might have to restart it manually.

An email will be sent shortly before starting the migration, and when it's finished.

Please also make sure your tool is connecting to the database using the canonical hostname **and not any other hostname or IP address.

For more details, and to report any issue, you can read or leave a comment at

For more context you can also check out the parent task
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