My case: I have one file which can be compiled into 4 different binaries
using macros. For this I use add_definitions() and remove_definitions()
commands. But as I understand these commands has global effect in CMakeLists
file. How can I define and undefine macros in *one* CMakeLists file?

For this case more useful another command - set_target_properties() with
property COMPILE_FLAGS. It really helped me, but I was confronted with
difficulties in this way. I can't call it with 2 parameters, like
set_target_properties( target PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS -D__flag1__
COMPILE_FLAGS -D__flag2__ ). In this case no keys were defined... It's very
strange, because CMake's documentation present usage example with multiple
properties in one command. I solved this issue with variable which contains
all needed keys.

-- Andrey
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