hi all,

I'm beginning to migrate all my codes to use cmake and I seek your help.  I 
apologize in advance if this is a trivial question.

I'm using Ubuntu 7.10 with cmake 2.4.  I'm trying to compile a project called 
vtkCuda that integrates NVidia's CUDA volume rendering techniques into vtk.  
The file repository is located at 
The current CMakeLists.txt works under Windows but appears to be quite buggy 
under linux.  It also has a lot of un-needed dependencies (on slicer3d); for my 
personal interests, I just want to get it to work with vtk.  The only true 
dependency is CudaSupport, located at 

CudaSupport itself requires NVidia's CUDA library and SDK and I have managed to 
compile it without any major issues.  The CMakeLists.txt for CudaSupport 
defined a few variables (mostly boolean) that are needed by vtkCuda's 
CMakeLists.txt.  One of such variable is CUDA_SUPPORT_ENABLED; after the 
successful compilation of CudaSupport, during the ccmake stage of vtkCuda it 
complains about CUDA_SUPPORT_ENABLED is not defined.

My eventual goal is to rewite the CMakeLists.txt for vtkCuda so that is only 
depends on the successfufl compilation of CudaSupport (and not Slicer3D).  My 
questions are:

how do I make ccmake to determine the variables set by CudaSupport, and to find 
CudaSupport's headers/libraries, in the CMakeLists.txt for vtkCuda?  Or, how to 
I "export" the variables set by the successful compilation of Cudasupport?

ps. I'm not the developer for vtkCuda/CudaSupport, merely a user trying to use 
it for my own projects.

Thank you,

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