On 6/12/07 5:36 PM, Jesper Eskilson wrote:
>     What you're asking for seems kinda weird.  What's the motive?
> foo.obj and bar.obj uses symbols in mydll.dll, and I want to allow users
> of mystatic.lib to just have to link with mystaticlib.lib, and not with
> mydll.lib.
> Note that an import library on Windows *is* a static library (both
> having the .lib suffix is not a coincidence). The only special thing
> with an import library is that it exports symbols with a note that the
> symbol really should be found at runtime in the given dll. So,
> lib /out:foo.lib bar.obj fie.lib
> puts all the contents of bar.obj and fie.lib into foo.lib. This is very
> practical.
> Hope that makes it a little clearer.

For the record, I have the exact same need for a library that my department
puts out.  Its one of the things keeping me from moving over to CMake for
our project[1].  Its so much easier to distribute the win32 version this
way.  One of our other projects is also dependent on that behavior.  I could
change that, but I'd rather figure out how to have CMake build this way.


[1] http://www.crt.realtors.org/projects/rets/librets

 Keith T. Garner                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                "Make no little plans; they have no magic to
                   stir men's blood." - Daniel H. Burnham

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