Re: [CMake] Adding debug definitions to OSX Xcode projects

2009-03-20 Thread David Cole
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is irrelevant with build systems that handle multiple configurations (like Xcode and Visual Studio). Makefile based systems still need CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE defined to select the type of build. The flags you are setting need double quotes to work as you intend them, like this: SET(CMAK

Re: [CMake] Adding debug definitions to OSX Xcode projects

2009-03-20 Thread Michael Jackson
Actually, if someone on OS X decides to generate Makefiles then CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE can be very important. You can simply do what you are doing and it _should_ work. The order of operations in a CMake file, like any other language, is important. It just depends on what is after those lines tha

[CMake] Adding debug definitions to OSX Xcode projects

2009-03-20 Thread Eric Sokolowsky
How do you tell Cmake to add a compiler flag to a project's Debug target? In a project I'm trying to fix (OpenSceneGraph) it looks like Cmake generates an Xcode project file containing all four of the build types: Debug, Release, ReleaseMinSize, and RelWithDebInfo. These types can be selected from