Re: [CMake] How does binary link with static library?

2007-03-04 Thread Brandon J. Van Every
Jong-young Park wrote: ... LINK_DIRECTORIES(../lib) LINK_LIBRARIES(crypt pthread my) These are old commands. Install CMake 2.4.6, read the cmake.html docs again, and don't use them. Look at TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES. Cheers, Brandon Van Every ___

[CMake] How does binary link with static library?

2007-03-04 Thread Jong-young Park
Dear all. Thanks for replying before. I have 1 more question. With your help, I can make both(shared & static) libraries. However, in my bin/ directories, target must link with static library. for example, there two directories. bin/ bin.c lib/ libmy.a I wanna make binary like fo