I have a slight problem with adding .idl files to a project generated
through CMake. It seems as if the automatic preprocessor definition
generated by CMake causes a problem for the preprocessor part of MIDL
(used for compiling .idl-files). For debug build the preprocessor
definition that causes problem looks like this:
If I remove the \" (or simply the entire thing) the .idl will be
processed correctly.
Is this the intended behaviour or is it not supposed to work with
.idl-files? Well it is possible to use .idl-file by calling a lot of
ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND like I have seen in the mailing list archives, I have
not tried those solutions yet as I will probably just write a program
that will modify the project file before building.
I am asking in order to know if I should file a bug report or if I am
simply doing something wrong.
Additional Information.
Problem encountered when converting old project to CMakeLists.txt.
Creating an ActiveX control so I guess it is a windows specific problem.
CMake 2.6.1, Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (Proffesional). 
CMake mailing list

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