"Alan W. Irwin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Due to the last item, these targets are not so powerful and easy to use
> like their 'automake' counterparts. But they are an huge improvement to
> the current situation where there is nearly no support for creating
> source tarballs.
> In fact it is easy to create source distribution tarballs with CPack.

I do not think that CPack is useful for creating source packages:

1. its behavior to package all and everything in the source tree is just
   a pain and a maintenance nightmare

2. it packages only source files but not (selected) generated files;
   hacks like copying them into the source tree are not acceptable

> The documentation is pretty sparse, but you should look at everything
> to do with CPACK_SOURCE in
> (http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake:Packaging_With_CPack).

Does not help very much... Source gave some more clues (e.g. about
CPACK_INSTALL_DIRECTORY which might be perhaps used to address point 2
above), but I did not found an elegant way to create source packages.

In my whole module, only one line (

|    COMMAND cd "${MAKEDIST_CHECKDIR}/source" && tar xf 

) could be replaced by CPack magic. But this would require perhaps 10-20
new lines of CPack configuration and is not worth the effort IMO.

> CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES gives you complete regex control of what is
> excluded

I want complete control of what is included...


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