Alexander Neundorf wrote:
Hi, how does CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR behave ? Let's say I do SET(CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR ON) in my toplevel src/CMakeLists.txt. If a src/sub1/CMakeLists.txt contains add_executable(hello main.cpp) src/sub1/ will be part of the include path. But what happens in the following case: Until now there was # apply for all subdirs include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) add_subdirectory(bar1) add_subdirectory(bar2) add_subdirectory(bar3) add_subdirectory(bar4) I guess in this case the include_directories() command has to stay ?

Yes. CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR just adds a target's directory to the include path of its source files.

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