[CMake] target_link_libraries buggy with visual studio?

2012-07-02 Thread terje loe
Hi, I'm trying to use target_link_libraries to add a release and debug version of a library to my debug and release config of my Visual Studyi project. message(${JSONCPP_LIB_DEBUG}) message(${JSONCPP_LIB_RELEASE}) target_link_libraries( TEEngineTest

Re: [CMake] target_link_libraries buggy with visual studio?

2012-07-03 Thread Petr Kmoch
Hi, are you setting the global property DEBUG_CONFIGURATIONS anywhere? If not, cmake does not know which configurations are supposed to be debug, so it treats all of them as optimized. Try adding the following after the two set(CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES ...) commands: set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY