2011/2/8 Brad King <brad.k...@kitware.com>:
> On 02/06/2011 03:58 PM, Eric Noulard wrote:
>> if there is one RC left before 2.8.4 it would be nice to include this 
>> patchset.
> Does this fix a regression from a previous release?

No this is not a regression fix.
Just a wish to have ArchiveGenerator at the same level of component
packaging support
in the same version.

2.8.3 has component support for ArchiveGenerator (with a regression
against 2.8.2 which is fixed in 2.8.4-rc's)
        and no component support at all for RPMGenerator.

2.8.4-rc2 has component for both ArchiveGenerator and RPMGenerator but
not at the same level.

not a big deal but this is a "consistency request".

If there is no RC left then I'll wait for 2.8.5 and try to be more
"on-time" next time :-]
If there are could you tell us how many (1 or 2) and the approximate
release date.

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