I saw that cold weather in Michigan   
Wow!!!  And I thought I was cold in fl.  
So far no freeze. 
Stay warm.  

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 10, 2015, at 4:31 AM, sherri swanson <swanson.sherri...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> If it's one thing I got, It's Attitude! At least that's what my mom would 
> tell me when I was a teenager. LOL
> Sorry to hear about the car.  This cold weather can be brutal on a car's 
> battery. Glad you were able to get a new and now you’re good to go.  
> Uor wind chills have been bad too. And we have some open fields so there is 
> nothing to block that wind.  The other morning it was so cold that the water 
> froze in our community and none of had any water for awhile. It's a good 
> thing I'm an early raiser and I took my shower while we had water. 
> Currently, it is -7 with a wind chill of -25 where I live and it isn't going 
> to be above zero until 9 am. That's cold. 
> Stay warm Richard and think spring!
> L'chaim,
> Sherri
>> On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 11:29 PM, Marty Gartenberg <wa2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Jeanie,
>> So many things effect your kidneys. The simple ageing factor is just one of 
>> them. Some medicines will also contribute to kidney function probably some 
>> of these TKI's. Mine finally gave out from all of the chemotherapy and 
>> radiation I had more then 25 years ago.
>> I can make a suggestion: If you are not diabetic try drinking cranberry 
>> juice. Not the ones that are mixed up with juices like grape juice. Ocean 
>> Spray has pure cranberry juice so you might want to try it. Even if you are 
>> diabetic they also make a light cranberry juice.
>> You know what? You have been through so much that this is only a bump in the 
>> road for you, and so it is for me.
>> We have two choices. One, continue to fight and the other is not an option 
>> for me or you.
>> That is why I always end any of my posts with 18's. You just hang in there 
>> sweetie.
>> Marty
>>> On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 7:55 AM, ICANDOALLTTC via CMLHope 
>>> <cmlhope@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Sherri,
>>> I think the tki's contribute to kidney disease.  I think that I am in the 
>>> beginning of the disease and I have been on tki's for 11 years now.
>>> Hang in in there; blessings
>>> Jeanie<3
>>> In a message dated 1/9/2015 3:21:09 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
>>> swanson.sherri...@gmail.com writes:
>>> Hi Marty, 
>>> Thanks for the prayers and    right back at ya. 
>>> I've been struggling with my kidney disease for many years and didn't know 
>>> it, and then one day voilà the doctors found that there was a problem and 
>>> that I'd been fighting it for years hence the diagnoses of Chronic Kidney 
>>> Disease. And the funny thing is, I'm the only one in my entire family that 
>>> has any of these diseases. My family had its share of health issues from 
>>> heart disease to diabetes. But never anything like what I have. All my 
>>> doctors just shake their heads. I tell them that I like to keep things 
>>> interesting. And what they like is that I have a sense of humor. And at 
>>> this point, it is much better to joke and laugh than to worry and cry.  
>>> While I still take what I have seriously, I'm just happy to be here. 
>>> I would be a lot happier if the weather here would warm up. For crying out 
>>> loud it was -5 here yesterday and I was out in it. Now that is one hearty 
>>> person or a very foolish one. The jury is still out on that one.  Today it 
>>> is going to be a balmy 8.  Woohoo! A heat wave. And, again I'll be out in 
>>> it as I have to go and get a Rx that I need.  
>>> L'chaim,
>>> Sherri  
>>>> On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 10:40 PM, Marty Gartenberg <wa2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Dear Sherri,
>>>> Yes, you are a fighter and it takes one to know one. I pray that 
>>>> everything turns out well for you. 
>>>> And you are correct that all of the radiation and chemotherapy did destroy 
>>>> both of my kidneys. It has been over 25 years that I had my BMT. It took 
>>>> many years for my kidneys to fail and that is probably why most transplant 
>>>> centers will usually not use total body radiation any more unless it is 
>>>> really needed.
>>>> 18's,
>>>> Marty
>>>>> On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 1:31 PM, sherri swanson 
>>>>> <swanson.sherri...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Marty, 
>>>>> The doctors are trying to treat the different illnesses that are included 
>>>>> in my condition. There are so many and they do so many different things, 
>>>>> that I am happy just to to be here. I agree that as we get older there 
>>>>> are some unusual things that that find us. But in the long run, we all 
>>>>> got something. I'm a survivor. It's what I do. So when I found out on 
>>>>> Monday that I have a large mass on my thyroid, I told my doctor I guess 
>>>>> we're going to be busy this winter. At least I'm not an alarmist. 
>>>>> <35C.png>
>>>>> I too have trouble with my kidneys. Not to the extend that you do, I'm 
>>>>> working to keep myself at the current level of stage III Kidney Disease. 
>>>>> Some days, I'm good others, not so much.  Lately I've not been doing so 
>>>>> good and I've had to go and buy new shoes as my feet have been so swollen 
>>>>> that my current size no longer fit. I wear compression socks all the time 
>>>>> as well. 
>>>>> My Nephrologist ran some blood work and found that my sodium was very low 
>>>>> and and so was a bunch of other levels. Now, he is an alarmist. If I even 
>>>>> look like I'm getting a cold he freaks out. I love him dearly, and I do 
>>>>> what he says, but I can't sneeze without him making me go see my GP or 
>>>>> the Oncologist or whatever doctor he thinks I need to see. 
>>>>> I've heard that when you have a BMT and have to have radiation and chemo, 
>>>>> sometimes kidney failure is possible. How long have you been on the list 
>>>>> for transplant? 
>>>>> Well, I'm glad that you are here and that you are strong. You're an 
>>>>> inspiration to all of us. Thanks for all you do Marty.
>>>>> L'chaim
>>>>> Sherri 
>>>>>> On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 10:07 AM, Marty Gartenberg <wa2...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi again Sherri,
>>>>>> Hopefully you will be able to be treated for this condition. It seems 
>>>>>> that as most of us get older we start suffering from some very unusual 
>>>>>> things, but that is the price we must pay to remain alive. We just have 
>>>>>> to do whatever we can to keep on going because we have no other choice.
>>>>>> My kidneys failed four years ago and I must be on dialysis because it is 
>>>>>> keeping me alive until I can hopefully receive a kidney transplant.
>>>>>> This happened because when I received a bone marrow transplant more then 
>>>>>> 25 years all of the radiation and chemotherapy started to destroy        
>>>>>>   my kidneys, but i'm still alive today because of it. We all have our 
>>>>>> own battles in life and that is just the way it is.
>>>>>> I wish you much health and happiness in this New Year.
>>>>>> 18's,
>>>>>> Marty 
>>>>>>> On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 5:19 AM, sherri swanson 
>>>>>>> <swanson.sherri...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Marty, 
>>>>>>> Happy New Year. I hope you are well. Thanks for the research I enjoyed 
>>>>>>> article. I could only wish it was as simple as being as side effect of 
>>>>>>> my TKI. In my case, nothing is ever simple LOL.  What I have is called 
>>>>>>> Autonomic Neuropathy.  Basically, my Autonomic Nervous System has 
>>>>>>> malfunctioned.  Here is a link for you to read if you would like to.
>>>>>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dysautonomia
>>>>>>> In a nutshell, Autonomic Neuropathy is a nerve disorder that affects 
>>>>>>> involuntary body functions, including heart rate, blood pressure, 
>>>>>>> perspiration and digestion.
>>>>>>> It isn't a specific disease. Autonomic Neuropathy refers to damage to 
>>>>>>> the autonomic nerves. This damage disrupts signals between the brain 
>>>>>>> and portions of the autonomic nervous system, such as the heart, blood 
>>>>>>> vessels and sweat glands. This can cause decreased or abnormal 
>>>>>>> performance of one or more involuntary body functions.
>>>>>>> Autonomic Neuropathy can be a complication of a number of diseases and 
>>>>>>> conditions. And some medications can cause autonomic neuropathy as a 
>>>>>>> side effect. Signs, symptoms and treatment of autonomic neuropathy vary 
>>>>>>> depending on the cause, and on which nerves are affected. 
>>>>>>> L'Chaim,
>>>>>>> Sherri
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 7:02 PM, Marty Gartenberg <wa2...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Sherri,
>>>>>>>> I did a little research on your no sweating problem, and it is 
>>>>>>>> probably a side effect of your TKI treatment. 
>>>>>>>> I also ran across an article which you can read here. It does mention 
>>>>>>>> something about the lack of sweating. It probably has nothing to do 
>>>>>>>> with your problem but maybe you should read it anyway.
>>>>>>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fabry_disease
>>>>>>>> 18's,
>>>>>>>> Marty
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 5:29 AM, sherri swanson 
>>>>>>>>> <swanson.sherri...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello, 
>>>>>>>>> I've had CML for 12 years and I've taken Gleevec for those 12 years. 
>>>>>>>>> I've also experienced night sweats for many years.  At first I was 
>>>>>>>>> told that it was due to menopause because of my age at the time. Go 
>>>>>>>>> figure. When                that was no longer an option, the only 
>>>>>>>>> thing left was the Gleevec. Since being dx'd with the CML in 2003, 
>>>>>>>>> I've been dx'd with other chronic illnesses that are just as serious.
>>>>>>>>> With these new illnesses came a new problem. I no longer sweat at 
>>>>>>>>> all. So now I have the complete opposite problem. No matter how hot 
>>>>>>>>> it is, I never sweat. I a way, it's nice because I'm always cold and 
>>>>>>>>> I long for very hot days so I can go out side in the heat. But my 
>>>>>>>>> oncologist has warned me to not do it for very long as I have no way 
>>>>>>>>> to control my body temperature.  Unfortunately, it works the same way 
>>>>>>>>> with the cold. My body temperature is a constant 95 degrees.
>>>>>>>>> So, in answer to your question, yes, the Gleevec does cause night 
>>>>>>>>> sweats. It is one of its side effects. Unfortunately, I was not able 
>>>>>>>>> to find a remedy for my night sweats other than going to the extreme 
>>>>>>>>> which I do not recommend. <332.png>
>>>>>>>>> I hope everyone has a good New Year and is healthy.  Keep my posted 
>>>>>>>>> as to what you find out. Even thought I no long have this issue, I 
>>>>>>>>> would still like to be kept in the loop.
>>>>>>>>> L'chaim
>>>>>>>>> Sherri
>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 4:19 PM, 'Marcie Goodman' via CMLHope 
>>>>>>>>>> <cmlhope@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hello, Susan. Gosh, we are just sweating through this it             
>>>>>>>>>>      seems. I will see what may be available naturally, as I don't 
>>>>>>>>>> want hormones either. Sorry you are experiencing this same problem 
>>>>>>>>>> which I hope to solve. 
>>>>>>>>>> Best wishes to you, Roy and your beautiful family for a blessed New 
>>>>>>>>>> Year. 
>>>>>>>>>> Marcie
>>>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPad
>>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 5, 2015, at 10:17 PM, "'Susan Zimmerman' via CMLHope" 
>>>>>>>>>>> <cmlhope@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Marcie,
>>>>>>>>>>> I have had night sweats for years, intensifying after my dx in 
>>>>>>>>>>> 2005.  I have day sweats, too.  When I stand up for more than five 
>>>>>>>>>>> minutes to do anything at all I start profusely sweating from 
>>>>>>>>>>> weakness.  I think part of this is from the bosulif, but most is 
>>>>>>>>>>> from the stroke weakness and need for hormones.  I will not take 
>>>>>>>>>>> artificial hormones and have not gotten the good kind that are 
>>>>>>>>>>> specially made for each person.  I totally sympathize with you 
>>>>>>>>>>> Marcie.  You might want to go to a naturalist doctor about getting 
>>>>>>>>>>> a test for hormones and then they will make a compound for you of 
>>>>>>>>>>> cream that usually works.  Regular md's only know to prescribe the 
>>>>>>>>>>> synthetic or horse hormones which do cause cancer.  That's my take 
>>>>>>>>>>> on it, hope you find some relief!!!
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your always uplifting posts!  Happy New Year to you, too!
>>>>>>>>>>> Susan F. Zimmerman
>>>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>>>> From: 'Marcie Goodman' via CMLHope <cmlhope@googlegroups.com>
>>>>>>>>>>> To: cmlhope <cmlhope@googlegroups.com>
>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Mon, Jan 5, 2015 8:41 am
>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: [CMLHope] Night Sweats
>>>>>>>>>>> Happy New Year, dear friends. I'm wondering if any of you suffer 
>>>>>>>>>>> with night 
>>>>>>>>>>> sweats as a side effect of your TKI.  I do, and have, over the 
>>>>>>>>>>> years of my 
>>>>>>>>>>> treatment. I don't know that it is happening more frequently but 
>>>>>>>>>>> the sweats seem 
>>>>>>>>>>> to be more intense. Is there anything that you know of that will 
>>>>>>>>>>> help?
>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks for always being there to offer encouragement and 
>>>>>>>>>>> assistance. 
>>>>>>>>>>> Marcie
>>>>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPad
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