In a message dated 9/5/2010 6:20:34 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

   Today's Topic Summary
Group: _ 
    *   _Chest heaviness_ (mip://08b75260/default.html#group_thread_0)  [2  
    *   _Genetics Blood Test  Results_ 
(mip://08b75260/default.html#group_thread_1)  [4 Updates] 
 Topic:  _Chest heaviness_ 
kellyelise  <> Sep 04 02:47PM -0700 _^_ 

Hi Folks!
Been  a long time since I posted anything. I have a question.....I've
been on  Sprycel 100 mg since May of 2009. Much, much better  than
Gleevec....whew!! Anyway, I've been experiencing chest heaviness  any
time I exert myself, AT ALL. Even walking DOWN stairs, I feel  like
someone is pushing down on my head, shoulders and chest. Sometimes  I
get really dizzy just bending over.

I get so winded, I  shuffle. Can't even pick my feet up. I have to
stop, rest, then resume. I  went to the doc and had chest x-rays,
abdominal ultrasound,  echocardiogram and blood work. I will get the
results when I return to  the doc 9/13.

Are these symptoms of COPD, CML or side effects  from the Sprycel.....?
I just can't figure out why I am so  weak.

Any input, suggestions and experiences would be greatly  appreciated!!


"Nadiia Noles"  <> Sep 04 10:19PM -0400 _^_ 

I Kelly, Just  read your mail and I feel like you talk about me. I have the
same, and I  am on Gleevec. Last week I have a lot of tests and the cardio
show a  diastolic dysfunction!!!! Now I have to see a crdio and hope for  
best. Take care and kip fighting, life is still wonderful even with  CML

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of  kellyelise
Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2010 5:48 PM
To:  CMLHope
Subject: [CMLHope] Chest heaviness

Hi Folks!
Been  a long time since I posted anything. I have a question.....I've
been on  Sprycel 100 mg since May of 2009. Much, much better  than
Gleevec....whew!! Anyway, I've been experiencing chest heaviness  any
time I exert myself, AT ALL. Even walking DOWN stairs, I feel  like
someone is pushing down on my head, shoulders and chest. Sometimes  I
get really dizzy just bending over.

I get so winded, I  shuffle. Can't even pick my feet up. I have to
stop, rest, then resume. I  went to the doc and had chest x-rays,
abdominal ultrasound,  echocardiogram and blood work. I will get the
results when I return to  the doc 9/13.

Are these symptoms of COPD, CML or side effects  from the Sprycel.....?
I just can't figure out why I am so  weak.

Any input, suggestions and experiences would be greatly  appreciated!!


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Topic:  _Genetics Blood Test Results_ 
( Sep 04  08:24AM -0400 _^_ 

yahoooooooooooooooooooo  Great news Sep 04 02:45PM  -0400 _^_ 

This is really  great news and so encouraging for people like me, a year 
and a half into  Gleevec but not quite at zero. Does this mean that you have 
reached  undetectable, stayed on the same dose of Gleevec and then had the 
numbers go  back up? If so, did the doctors increaase the amount of Gleevec to 
get you  back to zero? And now that you are undetectable, does that change 
your  medication amount or routine?

Thanks, Suzieq, and all of you  out there who continue to provide 
information, answers and hope to the rest  of us who are newer Warriors!

Marcie in  Baltimore

-----Original  Message-----
From: Suzieq <>
To:  CMLHope <>
Sent: Thu, Sep 2, 2010 5:44  pm
Subject: [CMLHope] Genetics Blood Test  Results

Would you believe the blood was drawn on July  12th and the test
esults from Genzyme Lab finally came back to my doctor  on Aug. 26th.
t's never ever taken that long, so don't know what the  problem was.
ut, I am happy.......they came back  "non-detected".......YIPPEE!!!!
his is only the 3rd time this has  happened since I was dx'ed Jan. of
004. Gleevec is still doing it's  job.
Keep looking up everybody,
support  group of _http://cmlhope.com_ ( 
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Suzieq  <> Sep 04 06:44PM -0700 _^_ 


I  was dx'ed back in Jan. '04 & put on 400 mgs. of Gleevec within  about
three or four weeks afterwards. I have been on the same since  then.
They had me go off of it for one week about a couple of months on  it
as my blood counts dropped dangerously low, but they were back  up
within a weeks time and I went right back to the 400 mgs.  They've
never changed me to anything else. Within six to eight months  of
Gleevec, I was right at the 0.001% and have fluctuated the  whole
time.......being "not detected" thrice.....2/'07.....  11/'08.....&
7/'10. Once I jumped to 0.013%, but my doctor was not  concerned about
it & I went right back down 4 months later. We had  quite a lengthy
discussion about this and she told me that they felt that  this was
just the way Gleevec was going to work for me, that since I've  been
on it this long, it has probably leveled off in my system &  worked as
well as it's going to for me. And, that if I went off of it,  the CML
would just come right back.

Being a part of this  survivor group for several years and reading so
many different stories  from others, it seems that we all react
differently. I think there are a  couple of people listed here whose
had the same sort of results as I have  with Gleevec. My doctor's
nurse practitioner told me a while back that  with the 0.001%, I could
live for a very long, I'm  very thankful to Dr.
Druker and the other two guys for developing Gleevec  for CML, because
I remember reading an interview he had with some  reporter that asked
him what he told newly dx'ed patients before Gleevec  & he said "I more
or less told them to go home and get their affairs  in order. Most
were given 3 to 5 years"........I will hit my 7th year  this coming
January, so yeah, I'm extremely grateful to all the research  &
developers....doctors & scientists.....a great big THANK  YOU!

So, Marcie, you just hang in there and keep taking your  Gleevec and
doing what the dr. tells you to do. Take it faithfully, too.  No
missing here and there.

Keep looking up,

Suzieq  <> Sep 04 06:45PM -0700 _^_ 

I just want to  say "thanks" to all who have responded to this post.
You are the greatest  bunch of people & really bless my heart.

Love to  all,

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