Hi Katy,
Sorry you have been so sick; I have had those sore throats and they are noooooooooooooo fun.
I have had to take antibiotics a lot since being dx and they seem to work ok
I suggest trying a new antibiotic since that one isn't working.
Also my son came up with a natural remedy to take even before you get sick.
Take 4 lemons cut up and boil them in about 1 or two quarts of water.
After they are soft from boiling, get a masher and mash the lemons good.
Strain through a strainer and drink a couple of cups hot.
Did you have your flu shot?
I just got mine and this helps a lot during the cold and flu season.
I also gargle with hot salt water several times a day and eat lemons.

A good hot soak is good also if you can stand hot water.
I put epson salts in the bath water and just relax for a while.
It's good to help nature along in healing these colds and infections.
In a message dated 11/10/2006 10:30:25 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I have a question, do any of you know if CML makes you resistant to anitbiotics. I have a problem I have never had before. You know I had viral pneumonia and when I started getting over that all of a sudden I got a bad sore throat and caught bronchitis from my hubby, I am pretty sure I had strep I had pustules on my throat and Uvula, and then a week ago I woke up at 4:30 a.m. with a severe severe earache and finally went to the E.R. I had an ear infection from which I have lost the hearing in my right ear, there is soooo much pressure and I can barely hear out of it. I have been Augmentin 875 mg twice a day for seven days now (taking it religiously) and the hearing in my ear and the pressure have NOT improved even slightly, then today I started feeling pretty rough, got reeeeeallly nauseated (took some phenergen) and then started having diarrhea. Tonight my throat started hurting and I looked at it and I have pustules AGAIN and the lymphnodes under my ear are starting to ache again. I cant believe that this is not clearing up with an antibiotic, thus the question, does CML make you resistant to antibiotics? And remember I am not on any form of chemo at present so it is just my immune system alone to fight this.

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