Thank you all.
we always have to keep going.

>  Hi SusieQ,
> Thanks for the input.
> I think we all worry about those test.
> I am trying not to focus on the test, but how I am feeling.
> Don't worry, they have new drugs if you need them.
> I became resistant to Gleevec, and had to go on the new drug, Tasigna.
> This is my fourth week on it.
> My hemg went down to 7.4 on the first week so I had to have 2 pints of
> blood.
> It then went up to 11.7 but this week dropped to 10.7.
> My WBC went from 2.9 to 11.7, so you see, it's a roller coaster all the
> time.
> I am doing good on Tasigna and have heard good things about it from other
> CML patients.
> I have developed a rash, but it's not bad, and I have been itching, which
> is a side effect of the drug.
> I have had Ekgs weekly, and now will have them monthly as they were good.
> I have blood test, cbc, cpn and lipase weekly.
> Just remember, if one drug quits, there are others to take their place.
> Hang in CML WARRIOR.
> Blessings,
> Jeanie<3
> In a message dated 10/16/2008 1:08:41 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
> Ricardo:
> I understand your feelings on this issue because my own PCR goes up
> and then down, up and then down like a roller coaster since I was
> dx'ed back in Jan. '04.  I have been at -0- two different times & then
> climbed slightly right back up the next time.  This last time I was so
> upset about it & had my little "pity party" & after Trey explained
> that I was still in a -3- Log Reduction.....I felt better. (My husband
> kept telling me to quit worrying that it wasn't climbing that much but
> I wasn't listening to him, LOL!)  I had never had anybody explain the
> log reduction to me before.....I am so appreciative of all these
> wonderful CML Hope Survivors who have taken the time to find the
> knowledge and educate themselves & then to share with the rest of us.
> THANK YOU!  THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!!!   You will never ever know here
> on earth just how much you've done for some of us by putting our
> hearts at ease.
> Since I have been on this "roller coaster" ride....I have recently
> decided to put my weariness aside & to wait on each following tests &
> if those continue to rise...then there is cause to be concerned.  I
> have a great doc who has said that if she sees one thing in the tests
> she receives back of mine...she will immediately contact me to come in
> for further testing & treatment or changes necessary.  One needs to
> have confident in their Hem./Onc.  & I do.   So, Ricardo......try to
> relax a little & just wait on the next blood test results to come
> in.
> God Bless Everyone,
> Keep Looking Up (especially in these trying times),
> Suzieq
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