with Terry, he had severe bone/muscle pain...but instead of "hard" muscles...his deteriorated....he has no "muscle" now...just all "flab".   That was one of the first tip-offs to me that there was something wrong with him.   I was rubbing his upper arm & was so used to his "big, strong" arms & there was just some skin with a "bone" in it.  
he has been off Gleevec now for 4 months.....and now has been on Dasatinib for 2 months.....he is still in severe pain, but is functioning much better as in quality of life.   He is having his first BMB since on the Dasatinib tomorrow.   We hope for some positive news for a change....but we are only cautiously optimistic.  So far, health wise is doing better, but I do wish he could be more "instantly" better.   He is still taking the Indomethacin and Cochecine almost daily.   He rarely takes anything stronger than Advil for the pain due to his work situation.   But also, he is working about 3/4 time now...which is a miracle too.  He hasn't missed work in 3 months due to the illness...only for the massive medical appointments.

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