When I can do it in an exec, I use the MAILIT command from the IBM
Downloads website. But when I need to mail from within a pipeline I use
the EMAIL stage from the same website.


/Tom Kern

Paul Gilmartin wrote:
> Our domain names are changing.
> Some of my old code to send automated E-mail is failing.
> SENDFILE EXEC has become unbearably complex; a horrendous
> melange of pipeline and procedural code.
> Is there a way (pipeline or procedural) to take a file or stream
> in RFC 822 format and cause it to be delivered to addressees in
> the "To:, CC:, and Bcc:" headers; equivalent of UNIX
> "source-stream | sendmail -toi"?
> I don't want the tool to make arbitrary decisions between NETDATA
> and TCP/IP -- always TCP/IP.  I don't want to code a TCPEXIT EXEC,
> or if I do, I want it to be just the single line, "RETURN 1".
> I don't want to generate RFC 821 headers myself; the tool should
> do it.
> It's a plus if it just spools a punch to SMTP and PIPE | BLOCK NETDATA |
> I don't want the tool to add MIME headers and perform encoding
> (BASE64 or otherwise) -- if I need them, I can generate them.
> I want to be able to use "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", not "user at node" addresses
> -- I'm too familiar with the former, and tend to slip up and forget
> the latter.
> gil

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