Problem solved, by reading documentation and little testing.

But first I took the far distance deviation over extracting
FPLRICBW REXX (15 Dec 2007 12:36:31) from PIPELINE MODULE. So I
found BROWSE/BRW does not mind what is set as NONDISP character
(00-3f and ff are set to blank), and only 8 of 9 possible
attributes are used for BUILDSCR. (In the description of BRW the
options are given to the left of the '(', the attributes to the
right of it are the attribute characters as defined for "buildscr".)

The description of BUILDSCR states: 'The ninth word specifies the
type of APL/TEXT you wish to enable. The default is TEXT; specify
APL to use such a mapping."

Ah! And how may I set TEXT OFF to get the same (almost the same)
as in line mode? Why does BUILDSCR not observe the settings of CMS
SET APL and SET TEXT? Hmmm...

But, the seventh word (the first of termtype) is called 'apltype'
in the a. m. FPLRICBW REXX. "Specify 0 when the device does not
support APL/TEXT" says the documentation. => Problem solved!
Irrespective of any codepage :)

Now I use '!brw (00f600 * * * * * 0' instead of '!brw (06x'.
Thanks to Alan for his patient support, and also to Hobart, you
gave me the idea to enhance the visibility of the lines with
bullet points ('B3'x).


Am 01.11.2016 um 18:35 schrieb Alan Altmark:
> You need to know what codepage your display is and what codepage is being
> used.  XEDIT's interpretation of the data depends on SET APL and SET TEXT.
>  It inherits those settings from CMS SET APL and SET TEXT.  With SET APL
> OFF and SET TEXT OFF, XEDIT will send the data as-is.
> If the code point is 0xB3 and you are seeing a bullet, then no
> translations are being performed if I assume you are using a typical host
> code page (e.g. 37)  If BROWSE shows superscript 3, then it appears to be
> interpreting the the data as codepage XXX, where XXX is a number lost to
> history, but that is used by Document Composition Facility (DCF) and the
> IBM 3800 Model 1 printer.  (You will see it in XEDIT if you SET TEXT ON.)
> Alan Altmark
> Senior Managing 3270 Codepage Dark Arts Instructor


BTW: Found a minuscule difference from line mode to Fullscreen
CMS. E1 and FF are shown as blank in line mode, in fullsreen FF is
replaced by the character set by SET NONDISP. At least here in my
environment. /Mike.
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