Is there somewhere a REXX that does the complete reversal of the
POLISH stage?

For what purpose? Well, once upon a time there was an HP-71B doing
BASIC and I'd like to decompile the files I found on an old disk.
(Its about hobby and as such of minor importance.)
I am already there to put

        4E = STATIC N

        31 = ONEDGT 1

        82 = t- (unary)

        87 = t+

        32 = ONEDGT 2

        84 = t/

        31 = ONEDGT 1

        82 = t- (unary)

        87 = t+

to the sequence  N-1/2-1  but correct is  (N-1)/2-1
The parenthesis according the operator precedence is quite a hurdle.

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