This would seem to be basically working, as I do get the numbers less
than negative 1 in the output file:

pipe '  (end ?) < ' filename filetype filemode,
     '| pick w2  <= /-1/ ',
     '| > ' filename ' WORDOVER ' filemode,
     ' '

The problem is that I get ALL negative numbers, not just those less
than negative 1.  For example, these get selected as well:


So does anyone have any idea what is going wrong?

I know I can also accomplish what I want by defining the word with a
variable in a SPECs stage and doing an IF/THEN operation, but as I
will be doing other tests on that word as well as other words in the
data file, it will get a little convoluted.

I believe this represents the level of Pipes we are using:

11 Rev 0C Mod 0002

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