Andy; great article,(as usual), the photos are especially helpfulyou
don't give any you have an idea of the total cost...including yard
work and the change out of the engine mounts,etc? Thanks
s/v Bushmark4: 1985 C&C 37 CB; also with and older engine...
Richard N.
This is an article I wrote about putting a new engine in my lovely Peregrine a
year and a half ago. Then I unexpectedly sold her to David, who has her in the
Bahamas at present. Good deal for him!
Try it on April 7th, and if it doesn't work see if Garmin is offering a
firmware update for it. You'd probably need a computer connection cable to put
an update on it, which may cost more than the unit...
This is a classic "own goal" thing, they (the system designers, not Garmin) set
up the sy
I just read an article that GPS time will be reset on April 6, 2019. That
may affect older GPS units.
I must admit ignorance on the substance of this atricle and what it means.
Anybody got a decent understandi