I wrote

I really need to address those ten points in the article, in order.

1) Apparently the ones that aren't pests aren't on my boat. Or, define 'pest.'

2) Great.

3) So what.

4) Right. I'm aware of that. They wake me up in the middle of the night, saying 'what about *my* needs...' All I can say is 'Don't touch me there.'

5) I would like some clarification. Heck, a female Lobster also carries her eggs around with her. I once bought an entire bucket of lobsters out of season (out of Human Lobster season, not out of Lobster Lobster season) many of whom were females carrying egg sacs, and then went 20 miles up the coast and set them free on a nice rocky habitat. So I'm sensitive to needs other than my own. But, really, when it comes to cockroaches I have an entirely different perspective. When I smash one on the galley counter, or do a Mexican hat dance and nail it to the bottom of my foot, I really would like to do an autopsy and determine the species. There's a certain sense of satisfaction knowing whether I only killed one or killed one and a bunch of unborn babies.

6) Great.

7) Well, yes, they make good sailing crew, and provide value commensurate with this fact.

8) Actually, I'm faster. Perhaps I just know where they're going to run, and have achieved a zen state when it comes to stomping cockroaches. 'You can run, but umm actually, you *can* hide.' I'm training them to come to the poison. I bought one of those little flute things, and they seem to be responding. I've also constructed a little trapeze on the fan deck, and perhaps I can make some money out of this when I start my new job at the circus.

9) Um, actually they come in many sizes, and not just in the tropics. My High School was built in the 1920's, and was one of those venerable institutions that we need to cherish. The mascot was a 'Kewpie Doll' and every year we'd have a high school girl with a great body but who couldn't make the cheer-leading squad put a two foot wide paper mache 'Kewpie Doll' helmet on her head (kinda like Diver Dan with a little Dairy Queen curl on top.) What's my point? Oh, right. That school was overrun with cockroaches three inches long, but they only came out after hours. I was involved in enough extracurricular activities to get me into Harvard despite my GPA, and spent a lot of after-hour time in that school. (Really, it was only in detention once.) We used to play hockey in the halls with those cockroaches. They were big. That school was definitely not in the tropics. So much for that fact.

10) Oh. I think I already covered the training stuff two points ago. The problem, though, is that I don't live in a controlled environment. I believe that I can actually say something useful on this topic if I can get a grant for further research.

Best regards,

s/v Stella Blue

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