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Subject: Re: Stus-List : new boat, 1985 C&C 37

From: *Richard N. Bush* <>
Date: Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 12:37 AM

Hello friends; I am happy to let you know that I have just received
delivery of my fourth (yes 4th!), C&C; a 1985 37; centerboard model.  We
had many issues getting it trucked in from Newburyport, MA; mostly weather
related, but some delays due to the trucking company.

It is in pretty good shape, however, because we're in this deep freeze I
wont be able to make a really good assessment of what needs to be done
until it warms up a bit.   I will have a million questions then!

A C&C is a novelty here on the Ohio River; the only ones anyone around here
have seen have been those which we have brought in; first we brought a 1982
25 from Austin Texas; then a 1985 29-2 from Cleveland; then a 1987 33-2
from Jacksonville, Fl, and now the 37;  the 29 went to Tennessee, but
the 25 is still here; and of course the 33-2 is up for sale-I am what the
realtors call a "motivated seller"!;

The local guys asked me why I stayed with the C&C; I thought about it;
originally I bought the 25 without knowing anything about C&C's other than
a general reputation for being quality boats; after I had the boat  a
while, I was impressed by the workmanship on the 25 so when I wanted to
move up, I looked at the 29s; then when we wanted something bigger, I went
for the sailing ability of the 33-2; now, I figure I have enough research
knowledge (mostly through the collective wisdom of this group) and hands-on
experience that I couldn't go wrong in staying in the C&C line.  The truth
is, I looked at other brands and simple kept coming back to the  C&C; as
someone said in the recent thread about taxes; the C&Cs are the best bang
for your buck and they sail better than anything else out there.

Many thanks,
1985 37; Ohio River, Mile 584;

Richard N. Bush Law Offices
2950 Breckenridge Lane, Suite 9
Louisville, Kentucky 40220

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From: *Rich Knowles* <>
Date: Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 3:00 AM
To: "" <>

Well done, Richard!  A true bear for punishment!



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From: * <>* <>
Date: Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 6:22 AM

That's amazing Richard!  Congratulations!  How long ago did you buy your
first C&C?

Best of luck getting her into the water this spring!


T-Mobile. America’s First Nationwide 4G Network

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From: *John and Maryann Read* <>
Date: Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 7:42 AM

Congratulations Richard.  Hope your new baby will live up to the
experiences of your prior boats.  Could not agree more on your assessment
of C&C’s

John and Maryann

Legacy III

1982 C&C 34

Noank, CT

*From:* CnC-List [] *On Behalf Of *Richard
N. Bush
*Sent:* Friday, December 13, 2013 12:37 AM
*Subject:* Re: Stus-List : new boat, 1985 C&C 37


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S/V Persuasion
C&C 37 K/CB
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