Thank you! I upgraded today from epel-testing and all my problems are gone. Well, all my Cobbler-related problems, anyway. :-)

On 1/27/16 11:04 PM, Orion Poplawski wrote:
On 01/27/2016 05:26 PM, Tim Messer wrote:

My Cobbler server is still on SL5 for the time being and I'd like to get
upgraded to 2.4.9. Any chance we can get 2.4.9 cobbler and cobbler-web
RPMs into EPEL? I still only see 2.4.8 in epel-testing and I've run into
the fatal /etc/cobbler/version YAML parsing error that others reported a
while back.

Tim Messer
Fermilab Scientific Computing Division
Storage Services Administration | 630-840-3902
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