New feature on both the devel and master branches...

Command:  "cobbler hardlink"

Calls hardlink (if installed) to hardlink content in 
/var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror and /var/www/cobbler/repo_mirror to remove 
space used by duplicate RPMs.

(If it makes sense to add more directories to hardlink, we can do so, 
but I explicitly did not have this run against tftpboot since the copy 
code in utils /already/ is coded up to do hardlinking)

This is basically a shortcut around remembering the right commands to 
"/usr/sbin/hardlink" -- It doesn't touch the cobbler config at all.   
It's a nice thing about Unix that no more code was required.

I've also surfaced this over the API (api.hardlink) and will be adding 
it to the remote API shortly.


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