August 2022 Birds, Woodland Park Yard Area and Beyond


Bald Eagle-

Hike to Wilcox and Argentine Peaks on 8-29, 1 adult at Naylor Lake area


Swainson’s Hawk-

Near Antero Junction on 8-2


Red-tailed Hawk-

Hike to Wilcox and Argentine Peaks on 8-29, imm. hunting above ridges at 
over 13,000



Rainbow Gulch on 8-24, 2, FOS


Dusky Grouse-

Hike to Point 13,626 near Mount Princeton on 8-2, in well-named Grouse 
Canyon, 2 adult F, one with 4 juvs.


White-tailed Ptarmigan-

Hike to James Peak on 8-17, feather at about 12,750


Spotted Sandpiper-

Rainbow Gulch on 8-10

South Platte River near Lake George on 8-15, pair

Rainbow Gulch on 8-24, pair

South Catamount Lake on 8-31


Mourning Dove- 8-7 sing

Princeton Hot Springs area on 6-2


White-throated Swift-

Hike to Point 13,626 near Mount Princeton on 8-2


Broad-tailed Hummingbird- a few around most of the time

Hike to Point 13,626 near Mount Princeton on 8-2, a pinyon pine in early 
morning sun had a bunch of gnats that attracted mixed flock of Bushtits, 
House Wrens, Mountain Chickadees and a Broad-tailed zoomed in to grab a 
gnat, and then started divebombing the Bushtits.

Rainbow Gulch on 8-10

Hike to Van Wit and Monumental Peaks on 8-23, flying over Van Wit Ridge 
near Chalk Creek Pass at about 12,000

Rainbow Gulch on 8-24

Crystal Res. on 8-27

South Catamount Lake on 8-31


Callliope Hummingbird- a few around most of the time

Hike to Point 13,626 near Mount Princeton on 8-2, 8-25

Rainbow Gulch on 8-10

Crystal Res. on 8-11

South Platte River near Lake George on 8-15, male dive bombing male 

Rainbow Gulch on 8-24, stopped to watch one at a small pool with a trickle 
of water. It would land on a shallow rock to bathe, and was lucky to see it 
fly across the pool surface with its body submerged, like an tiny airboat.

Crystal Res. on 8-27


Rufous Hummingbird- 8-4, 8-3, 8-1


Downy Woodpecker- juv. on 8-8, 8-3, 8-1

Hike to Point 13,626 near Mount Princeton on 8-2, at around 10,000

Pikes Peak Highway on 8-19, at about 7500 feet


Red-naped Sapsucker-

Rainbow Gulch on 8-10, juv.

Dome Rock SWA on 8-15

Rainbow Gulch on 8-24, family flock of 3


Williamson’s Sapsucker- M juv. on 8-16


Northern Three-toed Woodpecker-

Hike to Van Wit and Monumental Peaks on 8-23


Northern Flicker- 4 on 8-25


Western Wood-Pewee- sing on 8-24

Singing at Princeton Hot Springs area on 8-2

Rainbow Gulch on 8-10, sing, many

South Platte River near Lake George on 8-15, sing

Evergreen Lake on 8-17, sing

Princeton Hot Springs area on 8-23

Rainbow Gulch on 8-24, sing


Cordilleran Flycatcher- 8-1 sing

Hike to Point 13,626 near Mount Princeton on 8-2, sing


Dusky Flycatcher-

Rainbow Gulch on 8-10, sing


Olive-sided Flycatcher-

Rainbow Gulch on 8-10, 2, call

Rainbow Gulch on 8-24


Western Kingbird

Report from Woodland Park area on 8-19 and 8-23


Violet-green Swallow-

Rainbow Gulch on 8-10


Tree Swallow-

Rainbow Gulch on 8-24


Warbling Vireo- 8-7 call, 8-17 call, 8-3 sing, 8-30 call

Hike to Point 13,626 near Mount Princeton on 8-2, sing, near treeline at 
about 11,500

Rainbow Gulch on 8-10, call, juvs.

Crystal Res. on 8-13


Canada Jay-

Hike to Van Wit and Monumental Peaks on 8-23, at treeline, 11,500

South Catamount Lake on 8-31


Clark’s Nutcracker- a few on 8-30

Hike to Point 13,626 near Mount Princeton on 8-2

Hike to Mount Flora and Eva on 8-9, around some cliffs above treeline at 
about 12,000, about a half mile from any trees

South Platte River near Lake George on 8-15

Dome Rock SWA on 8-15

Crystal Res., a few on 8-20

Hike to Van Wit and Monumental Peaks on 8-23, a few


Common Raven-

Hike to James Peak on 8-17, flock of about 30 above treeline, also on 
sitting on summit cairn


Ruby-crowned Kinglet- 8-21 at water

Hike to Point 13,626 near Mount Princeton on 8-2, call

Hike to Van Wit and Monumental Peaks on 8-23, call

Rainbow Gulch on 8-24, call, sing

Hike to Wilcox and Argentine Peaks on 8-29, sing, call


Gray Catbird-

South Platte River near Lake George on 8-15, call


Western Bluebird- juv. on 8-17, juv. on 8-21, 4 juvs. at bath on 8-30


Mountain Bluebird-

Hike to James Peak on 8-17, flock of about 20 above treeline


Hermit Thrush- juv. on 8-30

Rainbow Gulch on 8-10, juvs.

Rainbow Gulch on 8-24, call


Swainson’s Thrush-

Hike to Point 13,626 near Mount Princeton on 8-2, juvs., tame


Townsend’s Solitaire-

Hike to Point 13,626 near Mount Princeton on 8-2, calling, territorial, 
nesting, fledglings?


American Robin- 4 on 8-16, 8 on 8-30, juvs.

Hike to Van Wit and Monumental Peaks on 8-23

Rainbow Gulch on 8-24

South Catamount Lake on 8-31


American Dipper-

South Platte River near Lake George on 8-15


House Wren- 8-21 (FOS), 8-25

Hike to Point 13,626 near Mount Princeton on 8-2

Rainbow Gulch on 8-10

Rainbow Gulch on 8-24, brief sing


Rock Wren-

Hike to Point 13,626 near Mount Princeton on 8-2, at about 12,500, family 
of 6, all time high count for me

Hike to James Peak on 8-17, 2 just below summit at about 13,250


Mountain Chickadee- 8-31, brief sing

Hike to Point 13,626 near Mount Princeton on 8-2, juvs.



Hike to Point 13,626 near Mount Princeton on 8-2, flock of about 8


Red-breasted Nuthatch- 8-14, 8-8, 8-3

Hike to Point 13,626 near Mount Princeton on 8-2

Rainbow Gulch on 8-10

Dome Rock SWA on 8-15, juvs.

Hike to James Peak on 8-17

Hike to Van Wit and Monumental Peaks on 8-23, at treeline, 11,500

Rainbow Gulch on 8-24

Crystal Res. on 8-27

Hike to Wilcox and Argentine Peaks on 8-29, juvs.

South Catamount Lake on 8-31


White-breasted Nuthatch- one or two around most of the time

Rainbow Gulch on 8-10, juvs.

South Platte River near Lake George on 8-15


Brown Creeper- 8-15, 8-3

Hike to Mount Flora and Eva on 8-9, sing

Hike to Van Wit and Monumental Peaks on 8-23, call

Hike to Wilcox and Argentine Peaks on 8-29, sing


American Pipit-

Hike to Point 13,626 near Mount Princeton on 8-2, a few

Hike to Mount Flora and Eva on 8-9, fledglings

Hike to James Peak on 8-17

Hike to Van Wit and Monumental Peaks on 8-23

Rainbow Gulch on 8-24, 2 juvs. along shore of Rampart Res., 9000 feet

Hike to Wilcox and Argentine Peaks on 8-29, above treeline, summit areas


Horned Lark-

Hike to James Peak on 8-17


Cedar Waxwing-

Evergreen Lake on 8-17, a few


Western Tanager-

Hike to Point 13,626 near Mount Princeton on 8-2

Rainbow Gulch on 8-10, call

South Platte River near Lake George on 8-15, call


Wilson’s Warbler- 2 on 8-30 FOS yard

Hike to Van Wit and Monumental Peaks on 8-23, call

Rainbow Gulch on 8-24, FOS for local area

Hike to Wilcox and Argentine Peaks on 8-29


Orange-crowned Warbler- 8-31, at water features, FOS, new species for yard 


Yellow-rumped Warbler- 2 juvs. on 8-17, 7! , mostly juvs. at baths on 8-21, 
7 on 8-25, about 6 on 8-30 at water

Hike to Point 13,626 near Mount Princeton on 8-2, call

Rainbow Gulch on 8-10, sing

Crystal Res. on 8-13, call

Hike to Van Wit and Monumental Peaks on 8-23, call

Rainbow Gulch on 8-24, call

Crystal Res. on 8-27, a few

South Catamount Lake on 8-31


Yellow Warbler-

South Platte River near Lake George on 8-15, call


MacGillivray’s Warbler-

Rainbow Gulch on 8-10, F

Rainbow Gulch on 8-24, F, call, feeding


Black-headed Grosbeak- F on 8-7, juv. on 8-18, call, brief sing, M on 8-8, 
2M on 8-4, F on 8-3, M on 8-2, F on 8-1

South Platte River near Lake George on 8-15, call

Hike to Point 13,626 near Mount Princeton on 8-2, call


Spotted Towhee-

Colo Spgs on 8-5, sing

Colo Spgs, sing on 8-20


Chipping Sparrow- a few around some of the time, 8-4 sing, 6 juvs. on 8-16

Rainbow Gulch on 8-24

SouthCatamount Lake on 8-31, flock of about 6 along dam


White-crowned Sparrow-

Hike to James Peak on 8-17

Hike to Van Wit and Monumental Peaks on 8-23, just above treeline at 11,500

Hike to Wilcox and Argentine Peaks on 8-29


Lark Sparrow-

Floyd Hill area on 8-17, sing

Hike to Van Wit and Monumental Peaks on 8-23, at Hancock Lake, 11,666 feet 
just above treeline, first year bird

Rainbow Gulch on 8-24


Brewer’s Sparrow-

Hike to James Peak on 8-17, 1 at about 11,750 in area of grassy tundra with 
some willows and some clumps of stunted bristlecones


Lincoln’s Sparrow-

Rainbow Gulch on 8-10

Hike to James Peak on 8-17, sing

Hike to Van Wit and Monumental Peaks on 8-23, sing just above treeline in 
willows at about 11,750

Rainbow Gulch on 8-24, sing


Fox Sparrow-

Hike to Van Wit and Monumental Peaks on 8-23, at Hancock Lake at 11,666 
feet, sang a few times, also a juvenile (Slate-colored, Interior West) 
along road just below Hancock Lake at about 11,5000 feet.


Dark-eyed Junco- juv. on 8-8, juv. on 8-18, juvs. on 8-30

Hike to Point 13,626 near Mount Princeton on 8-2, sing

Crystal Res. on 8-5, juvs

Dome Rock SWA on 8-15, nest distraction


Red-winged Blackbird- F on 8-8


Brown-headed Cowbird- juv. on 8-8


Evening Grosbeak- a few around some of the time, 18 on 8-14, juv. on 8-8

Hike to Point 13,626 near Mount Princeton on 8-2

Crystal Res. on 8-27, a few


Pine Siskin- a few around some of the time, 8 juvs. on 8-16

Hike to Point 13,626 near Mount Princeton on 8-2

Rainbow Gulch on 8-10

Hike to Van Wit and Monumental Peaks on 8-23


Lesser Goldfinch-

Pine on 8-9

South Platte River near Lake George on 8-15

Pine on 8-17


Cassin’s Finch- F on 8-15, M on 8-7, juv. on 8-21


Brown-capped Rosy-Finch-

Hike to James Peak on 8-17, juv.

Hike to Van Wit and Monumental Peaks on 8-23, flock of about 10 on ridge to 
Van Wit, another flock of about 30 near summit of Monumental, juvs.


Red Crossbill- a few around some of the time

Pine on 8-9, a few

Evergreen Lake on 8-17, few

Hike to James Peak on 8-17, a few


House Sparrow- one or two around some of the time



Golden-mantled Ground-Squirrel- 8-14, 8-15, 8-8, 8-7, 8-1, 8-21


Chipmunk- 8-4, 8-3


Long-tailed Weasel

Rainbow Gulch on 8-24, very tame, being scolded by House Wren


Mountain Goat

Hike to Wilcox and Argentine Peaks on 8-29


Bighorn Sheep

along road S of Guanella Pass on 8-29, about 15 with many lambs


Sphinx Moth-

Hike to Wilcox and Argentine Peaks on 8-29

Joe LaFleur

Woodland Park, Teller County, 8500 feet

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