              I saw an add for "Bill Kaempfer's Jungle Tours" in NE 
Colorado - it said ".....see exotic birds, snakes, lizards, and beautiful 
wild scenery....."   .    I decided to bite on this one, not wanting to 
miss a chance at seeing some interesting flora and fauna.  Besides that it 
was cheap.   
             Somewhere, half way through the trip - while hacking through 
malarial ridden swamps of Prewitt, Jackson, and Jumbo Reservoirs - I 
started having 2nd thoughts.  Temperatures were soaring and sweat was 
pouring as we cut and slashed with machetes and poles though thick jungle, 
watching for poisonous snakes.  Herp expert John Vanderpool and I had to 
wrestle a gigantic snake (Pituophis melanoleus) in a parking lot, before it 
swallowed the SUV whole.  
              Later, plant expert, Gwen, told us of all the fascinating 
flowering jungle plants, as we tripped and stumbled over creepers and 
vines.  While expert birder JoAnn helped us identify rare birds such as 
black bellied plover, stilt sandpiper, buff breasted sandpiper, red necked 
phalaropes, long billed curlew, marbled godwits, black necked stilts, and 
the elusive Bell's vireo (not to be confused with Bell's Theorem - whatever 
that heck that is).  Exotic hummingbirds and plants were seen in the 
tropical jungle town of Julesburg CO, along with hundreds of doves, and 
several strange species like American redstarts and red-breasted 
             Cicadas of several species buzzed and droned day and night in 
the tropical forests and jungle towns.  Insects of many varieties swarmed 
the street lights at night, and screams of a wild jungle cat (Felis catus) 
were heard at a river outpost.  
             Many animal track and scat signs were seen in the thick 
tropical forests - deer, coyote, raccoon, tree squirrel, mouse, lizards, 
and ground squirrels. 
              To sum up:  Bill K's jungle tours are well worth the time and 
effort and I would encourage to go on them.  Then write back to me and tell 
me how you liked it, while I stay at home with an ice pack on my head, 
nursing insect bites.  
              Just kidding.  It was a great trip, and Bill and John did an 
excellent job.  
John T (Tumasonis)   Louisville CO 

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