Yesterday I found Black-throated Sparrows in the same area where I found 5-6
Black-throated Sparrows (adults and juveniles) in July, 2009.  Though I was
unable to document breeding then, I believed this species had bred in or
very near this area which is one of my Colo Breeding Bird Atlas II
blocks-and a priority block at that.  Technically they are withing the
'city' limits of Williamsburg,  a very small town only a few miles south of
Canon City, but the area is quite rural.  Last night I saw one singing and
then today at least one sang again so it is likely they are nesting here.  I
saw 3 different birds at one time but think there may be more.  I got some
video of the singing but haven't uploaded that yet; however, I also got
still photos and have uploaded several to my

I saw the birds on CR79 (Chandler Rd) about a half mile west of CR11-A (ja
mile or so east of MacKenzie Ave and H115).  Though the land in the area is
not fenced, it is all private property.  The birds were spending  lot of
time in the skunk bush shrubs close to the road. This is one of my breeding
bird atlas blocks and I have good relationships with property owners in the
area--plus the birds are likely breeding here-so please do not trespass. I
will be leading a field trip to see these birds, local Bobolink and other
local specialties next Sunday so please email me if you are interested.

SeEtta Moss
Canon City

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